Saya udah kelas IX!!!!!!!!!! Materi pelajaran B. Inggris yang pertama kali saya dapat di kelas IX adalah "Certainty-Uncertainty" . Nah, kebetulan saya ada PR disuruh membuat dialogue Certainty-Uncertainty.
Baru tadi malam saya buat sama ehem, ada deh hehehe. Okay langsung aja deh. Ini dialoguenya Lara sama Henry. Temanya tentang rencana dekorasi dan pengecatan kelas.
Lara : "Hi, Henry."
Henry : "Hi, Lara."
Lara : "As the class leader and you're my vice, what do ya think if we decorate our class?"
Henry : "Sure, Lara. That's a good idea. I agree with you."
Lara : "How about if we decorate our class with some poster and a wall magazine, Henry?"
Henry : "Okay, Lara. But, I don't have poster. Do you have, Lara?"
Lara : "Are you positive?"
Henry : "Positive, Lara."
Lara : "Hmm.. I don't have enough money to bought some poster and the material to made a wall magazine."
Henry : "Really, Lara? I think we should do a donation to bought those."
Lara : "I doubt it. I think we've to borrow cash from our class treasurer, Henry."
Henry : "Sure, Lara. When will we bought the poster also the material to made the wall magazine?"
Lara : "I couldn't say right now, Henry. I'm afraid if our classmate doesn't agree."
Henry : "Why don't we ask them before, Lara?"
Lara : "Sure, Henry. Ask Mr./Mrs.*nama wali kelasmu* too."
Henry : "Yes, I'll ask Mr./Mrs.*nama wali kelasmu*."
Lara : "But, are you certain if Mr./Mrs.*nama wali kelasmu* agree for our plan? Meanwhile our class' walls are dirty."
Henry : "We'll clean those, Lara."
Lara : "By way of what, Henry? Are you positive we should paint our class?"
Henry : "Positive, Lara. I'll call Mr./Mrs.*nama wali kelasmu* and talk about our paln to decorate and paint the class with him/her."
Lara : "But, from where we got the money to bought some wall paint?"
Henry : "Don't worry, Lara. I'll use my money for that."
Lara : "Positive, Henry?"
Henry : "Positive, Lara."
Lara : "Okay, then thank you for the idea and thanks for helping me, Henry."
Henry : "No problem, Lara."
Kalau ada PR hafalan dialogue certainty-uncertainty *sebenarnya ini dialog hapalan hehehe*, namanya harap diganti ya ;) Makasih :*
- Erika